Montana Vertebrate Pest Bulletins

- Controlling Mice In and Around Structures
- Pocket Gopher Control Techniques
- Prairie Dog Management
- The Columbian Ground Squirrel: Its Biology and Control
- The Richardson's Ground Squirrel: Its Biology and Control
- Use and Calibration of the Cyclone Seeder for Control of the Richardson Ground Squirrel on Rangeland, Pasture and Croplands
- Voles in Montana: Their Biology, Damage and Control
Additional Vertebrate Pest Publications

Voles in Montana.
Photo by Stephen Vantassel,
used with permission by
the Montana Department
of Agriculture
Although the following publications were written for Nebraska residents, much of the information is suitable for Montanans. Do note, however, that pesticides and use regulations may be different. Always follow the pesticide label, as "THE LABEL IS THE LAW." If you have questions feel free to contact our Vertebrate Pest Specialist for further assistance.