Serving Montana Agriculture and growing prosperity under the Big Sky

Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG)

Climate Pollution Reduction Grant

Incentivize Innovation in the Cattle and Beef Industry

The Innovation in the Cattle and Beef Industry is an intensive/feedlot-based measure that aims to bring regenerative Montana-raised beef full circle and create a regenerative animal feeding operation. It is a three-part measure which includes:

  • Greenhouse gas (GHG) capture through indoor feeding operations and manure digesters
  • Renewable energy systems by converting gas and solar into energy
  • Organic fertilizer production and use

More information on The Innovation in the Cattle and Beef Industry

Fertilizer truck
Fertilizer Use & Innovation for Improved Soil Health

The Fertilizer Use & Innovation measure aims to improve soil health and reduce GHG emissions and nutrient leaching in soils and educate farmers. The practices used include:

  • Soil testing
  • Variable fertilizer rates or On-Field Precision experimentation
  • Nitrogen fixing cover crops
  • Right time, right rate, right source and right place

More information on Fertilizer Use & Innovation for Improved Soil Health

cows grazing
Ranchland Stewardship Program

The Ranchland Steward Program is a grazing-based measure which aims to improve soil health, resiliency, and carbon drawdown through sustainable grazing practices. Such practices include:

  • Shorter grazing duration
  • Higher stock density
  • Smaller pasture sizes
  • Longer recovery periods

Rotational grazing

More information on the Ranchland Stewardship Program
