MDA has the authority under Section 24(c) of FIFRA to register an additional use of a federally registered pesticide on a food/feed crop for which a tolerance has been established (or on a non-food/non-feed crop or site) for use in a special local need situation. A special local need could include: new application method or timing, different rate, new crop, new pest, less hazardous formulation, prevention of pesticide resistance or application to a different soil type.
Special Local Need, Section 24(c)
24(c) registrations are for state specific pesticide uses that do not have a Section 3 registration. These registrations require a more extensive review process than Section 3 and 25(b) registrations as they include product uses that have not been reviewed and approved by the EPA. Refer to our 24(c) Guidelines for more details on the application process and requirements. Current 24(c) registrations and labels can be viewed below.
Special Local Needs 24(c) Labels
Special pesticide registrations are initiated by Montana growers or grower associations in a cooperation with department, specialists in pesticides and pest management, and pesticide registrants. Special Local Needs 24(c) labels are ongoing registrations designed to fit Montana pest and environmental needs. Section 18 Emergency Exemptions are temporary registrations to handle pest emergencies.
Applicators are required to have the Section 18 and 24(c) labels in their possession when making application under these labels.
Note: The following tables contain Pesticide Product Labels. AGR is unable to modify the label because it was created by a third party. If you need assistance viewing the associated labels please contact Pesticide Registration at (406) 444-4900.
All labels are in PDF format and require Adobe Acrobat Reader software.
Fungicides |
Herbicides |
Insecticides |
Repellents |
Rodenticides |
Fungicides |
Product Name
Company Name
EPA Id | Class |
Herbicides - Labels provided by manufacturer |
Product Name
Company Name
Class |
MT-03-0010 | Alfalfa for seed - control of quackgrass | Fusilade DX Herbicide | Syngenta Crop Protection | 100-1070 | General |
MT-14-0001 | Fallow and Eco-Fallow Cropland - for control of Kochia, Russian Thistle, and Lambsquarters | Authority MTZ DF | FMC | 279-3340 | General |
MT-15-0002 | Winter Wheat - control of annual grass and broadleaf weeds | GoldSky Herbicide | Dow AgroSciences | 62719-582 | General |
MT-17-0001 | Alfalfa - Nightshade and Dodder | Sonalan HFP | Gowan Co. LLC | 10163-356 | General |
MT-17-0002 | For Fall application to fields with standing stubble for weed control in lentils planted the following Spring. | Sonalan 10G | Gowan Co. LLC | 10163-355 | General |
MT-17-0004 | For Fall application to fields with standing stubble for weed control in yellow mustard planted the following Spring. | Sonalan 10G | Gowan Co. LLC | 10163-355 | General |
MT-18-0003 | Safflower / Russian thistle and Kochia | Spartan Charge Herbicide | FMC | 279-3337 | General |
MT-19-0001 | Spring Wheat / Russian Thistle and Kochia | Spartan Charge Herbicide | FMC Corp | 279-3337 | General |
MT-19-0002 | Fallow or Eco-Fallow Fields / Kochia and Russian Thistle | Scoparia Herbicide | Bayer CropScience LP | 264-600 | Restricted |
MT-20-0001 | Industrial Hemp (for fiber only)/Grass Weeds | Assure II | AMVAC Chemical Corporation | 5481-646 | General |
MT-21-0001 | SLN: Harvest aid for Alfalfa grown for seed | Gramoxone SL 3.0 | Syngenta Crop Protection | 100-1652 | Restricted |
MT-22-0002 | SLN: For weed control in established dormant alfalfa grown for seed only | Chateau EZ | Valent USA LLC | 59639-221 | General |
MT-24-0001 | SLN: Use in Fallow or Eco-Fallow Fields to Control Emerged Kochia (including populations resistant to 2,4-D, dicamba, fluroxypyr and herbicides in Groups 2, 5 and 9), Russian Thistle, Common Lambsquarters, Canada Thistle, Wild Mustard, and Tansy Mustard | Scorch EXT | Nufarm | 71368-130 | General |
MT-24-0002 | SLN: Fallow Application to control Kochia, Russian Thistle, Palmer Amaranth | Talinor | Syngenta Crop Protection | 100-1570 | General |
MT-24-0004 | SLN: Control of Broadleaf Weeds in Flax | Stinger HL | Corteva Agriscience | 62719-747 | General |
Insecticides - Labels provided by manufacturer |
Product Name
Company Name
MT-89-0010 | Alfalfa for seed - two spotted spider mite | Comite | Chemtura | 400-104 | Restricted |
MT-99-0018 | Alfalfa seed - to control lygus | Dibrom 8 Emulsive | AMVAC Chemical Corp. | 5481-479 | Restricted |
MT-17-0003 | Alfalfa seed – lygus bugs | Assail 70WP | Nippon Soda Co., Ltd | 8033-23 | General |
MT-18-0004 | Alfalfa for seed - certain aphids | Fulfill | ADAMA | 66222-274 | General |
MT-07-0005 | Mint - Control of mites | Onager Miticide | Gowan Co. | 10163-277 | General |
MT-17-0005 | Mint - Two-spotted Spider Mite | Onager Optek | Gowan Co. | 10163-337 | General |
MT-12-0004 | Cherry - Control of Spotted Wing Drosophila | Entrust SC | Corteva Agriscience, LLC | 62719-621 | General |
Repellents |
Product Name
Company Name
Rodenticides - Labels provided by manufacturer |
Product Name
Company Name
MT-00-0007 | Columbian & Richardson's ground squirrel control in non-crop areas, rangelands, pastures, and in infested bareground areas within alfalfa, wheat, oat, or barley fields. | Rozol Ground Squirrel Oat Bait | Liphatech | 7173-184 | Restricted |
MT-18-0005 | Ground squirrel control by spot application in alfalfa and small grains and broadcast on rangeland | ZP Rodent Bait Ag | Bell Labs | 12455-17 | Restricted |
MT-24-0003 | Richardson's ground squirrels, Columbian ground squirrels, Black-tailed prairie dogs, White-tailed prairie dogs / specific sites and times listed | ZP Rodent Oat Bait Ag | Bell Labs | 12455-102 | Restricted |
Pesticide Registration
Phone: (406) 444-4900
Fax: (406) 9493
302 N Roberts
Helena, MT 59601