Program Priorities
Providing Farmer Education on Specialty Crop(s)
- Farm to institution practices
- Value-added production
- Farm and food safety
- Organic production
- Soil health and conservation
- Industry promotion and marketing development
- Tribal sharing of traditional ecological knowledge of indigenous specialty crops
Planning and Supporting Infrastructures that Create or Support Specialty Crop(s)
- Cost-sharing and cooperative models for storage
- Distribution system efficiency, cost-savings and resiliency
- Regional and state processing infrastructure planning
- Farm to Institute
Supporting Research in the Areas of Specialty Crop(s)
- Drought tolerant, Cold tolerant, and disease resistant varieties
- Low external-input growing methods
- Genetic resources for cultivar development
- Low-cost technology development for the producer
- Use of beneficial organisms
- Specialty crop training in production methods
Building Consumer and Buyer Relationships

- Regional and statewide education and marketing efforts around specialty crop products
- Marketing opportunities to connect producers and buyers
Strengthening Producer Networks and Associations
- Producer networking events
- Capacity building
- Use of available forums for producer connections
- Encourage consumer education
Representing a Geographic Diversity of Projects across the State, with Rural Consideration