Serving Montana Agriculture and growing prosperity under the Big Sky

Dyer's Woad (1A)

(Isatis tinctoria)

Dyer's Woad

(1A, very limited presence in Montana)

(Isatis tinctoria)

Quick ID

  • bluish-green leaves with cream-colored midvein
  • bright yellow flowers
  • pear-shaped seed pods that turn deep purple to black upon maturity
  • can be more than 3’ tall
dyerswoad location map

Map Courtesy of Montana Natural Heritage Program, Dyer’s Woad – Low Suitability: 31% of Montana, Moderate: 4%, Optimal: 2%. Dyer’s Woad is considered still active in 11 counties (Beaverhead, Flathead, Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, Missoula, Park, Powell, Silver Bow, Stillwater, Sweet Grass, and Treasure) and eradicated in 10 (Carbon, Cascade, Chouteau, Dawson, Gallatin, Granite Judith Basin, Musselshell, Pondera, and Yellowstone). Larger image.

Woad Plant Img provided by Bamber Burch Beaverhead County
Dyers Woad Plant

Video Information

Weed Images

Dyer's Woad plant image by Amber Burch Beaverhead County
Dyer's Woad rosetta image by Amber Burch Beaverhead County
Dyer's Woad Flower image by Amber Burch Beaverhead County
Dyer's Woad leaf image by Amber Burch Beaverhead County
Dyer's Woad seed image by Amber Burch Beaverhead County
Dyer's Woad stem image by Amber Burch Beaverhead County
Dyers Woad Root - Photo by DWoad_MNWEC_ShantellFrame-Martin29 (2)”, credit to “Shantell Frame-Martin, MNWERC
Dryers Woad Invading - Photo by Steve Dewey, Utah State University,

Weed Specifications

Weed Info
Type Information
Toxicity Non-toxic, but is unpalatable to livestock and reduces forage
Best Management Practices Hand pulling and digging, making sure to remove at least 3”-4” of the root, along with proper seed removal and disposal, and herbicide treatments *See management plan below
Habitat Establishes on disturbed sites, such as roadsides, railroads, and gravel pits
Root Taproot can exceed 5’ in depth, along with lateral roots
Leaves Rubbery, like cabbage, and clasp the stem
Lifespan Usually biennial, but sometimes annual or perennial
Similar Looking Plants Other mustards
Important Information Plants can grow 4” in one week, prolific seed producer, $50 bounty for infestations found more than a half mile from known populations

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To Report, Contact:



Amber Burch
Beaverhead County Weed Coordinator
Montana Dyer’s Woad Task Force Coordinator
Phone: (406) 683-3790




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