Serving Montana Agriculture and growing prosperity under the Big Sky

Noxious Weed Education

Noxious Weed Identification

Noxious Weed Education Campaign LogoMontana has 36 state listed noxious weed species that collaboratively affect about 8.2 million acres of Big Sky Country. Both new and continued infestations of these non-native species not only reduce the productivity of cropland and rangeland, infestations of noxious weeds diminish the productivity and biological diversity of ecosystems by negatively impacting wildlife habitat and by affecting the vitality and survival of native species due to competition for space, nutrients and water.

Noxious Weed Control Association form tile - MT weed control logo spelled outTo address noxious weeds, you first need to know how to identify the weeds we are dealing with in Montana. Weeds are most easily identified by their flower color, but sometimes you have to look at other features, including their leaf structure. Visit the Montana Weed Control Association website for information and photos to help you identify Montana's noxious weeds.

Noxious Weed Videos

The Ravalli County Weed District, Montana Department of Agriculture, and the Montana Weed Control Association sponsored a series of educational noxious weed awareness videos. All videos are available on the MDA YouTube Channel, or use the links below to view specific videos:

Noxious Weed Education

The Montana Noxious Weed Education Campaign aims outreach efforts toward educating Montana residents to become proactive in the prevention, eradication and containment of noxious weeds through ecologically based integrated weed management.

Agriculture in the Classroom

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Shantell Frame-Martin
Montana Noxious Weed Education Campaign Coordinator

Phone: (406) 883-7375
300 3rd Ave NW
Ronan, MT 59824

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