Serving Montana Agriculture and growing prosperity under the Big Sky

Hemp Varieties

The department has developed four risk-based categories for hemp seed varieties. The variety you choose will determine the level of review your application receives and the testing frequency of your crop.

The department has chosen to not make any updates to the 2019 Hemp Seed/Clone Variety List based on a single year of test data. The 2020 Hemp Seed/Clone Variety List will remain the same as 2019.

Full 2020 Hemp Seed/Clone Variety List

The categories include:

Seed/Clone Variety List


Hemp Seed Variety Class



Varieties previously grown in Montana

Approved for planting


Seed Certified to ASOCA or OECD standards*

Approved upon review


Seed not certified

Approved upon review


Seed not meeting definition of hemp (THC>0.3%)


* Hemp seed included on the Certified Seed lists of Canada, European Union, Colorado and other states with varieties certified per AOSCA or OECD standards.

The Department recognizes seed certifications by the Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies (AOSCA) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) standards for Category B.  The Department may recognize other standards that certify hemp seed varieties as being true to varietal traits and no greater than 0.3% THC on a dry weight basis. Category C varieties must meet the definition of hemp throughout the growing season. 100% of Category C varieties are subject to testing. Compliant testing results are required for sale of any Category C hemp.

For more information on AOSCA and the process of submitting seed for official certification, visit .

Any company selling agricultural seed including hemp seed in Montana must have the required license under the Section 80-5-101 through Section 80-5-144 MCA.

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