Hemp is a multi-purpose agricultural crop delivering seeds, fibers and bio-active chemicals for a number of uses and markets. Hemp is defined in federal and Montana statute as Cannabis sativa L. that contains no greater than 0.3% delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Hemp is authorized as an alternative agricultural crop by the Montana Legislature, Section 80-18-101 through 80-18-111 of Montana Code Annotated. Hemp and marijuana are the same species of plant and may look very similar under similar growing conditions.
All new applicants, meaning anyone that was not licensed or did not submit a summary in 2022, must submit an FBI Identity History Summary upon initial application so that the department may determine eligibility. Hemp program participation requires no prior convictions of felony drug charges in the previous 10 years.
Hemp Seed
Seed can be purchased from any seed company. However, the department recommends that buyers do their research to ensure they are purchasing high quality and compliant varieties. Current list of hemp seed providers licensed to distribute into Montana. This is not an endorsement, recommendation or guarantee of the company’s seed in regard to germination, purity, or THC levels.
The Montana Department of Agriculture does not regulate the production or sale of food, drugs, health supplements, or cosmetics. Hulled hemp seeds, hemp seed protein, and hemp seed oil have been granted Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status by the FDA and are widely available in products at retail stores across Montana. A recent FDA statement, from December 20, 2018, on Cannabis products can be found here: