Serving Montana Agriculture and growing prosperity under the Big Sky

Pesticide Dealers

Pesticide Dealers

A dealer is a person who sells, wholesales, exchanges, barters, or gives away in Montana any pesticide except those pesticides intended for home, yard, garden, home orchard, shade trees, ornamental trees, bushes, and lawn.

How to Obtain a License

  • Passing a core exam with an 80% or better.
  • Completing an application form.
  • Paying a license fee of $85 Commercial or $70 Governmental.
  • $85.00 per year ($70.00 for non-federal governmental agencies)
  • $25.00 late fee for renewals submitted after March 1 st

Dealer Records

All pesticide dealers are required to maintain shipping, purchase or invoice records of all pesticide products received. A complete and accurate record of all restricted use pesticides purchased and sold also must be maintained. Pesticide records must be kept for 2 years.

Records for each sale of a restricted use pesticide must include:

1. The company name on the label
2. The complete trade name
3. The EPA registration number, including any applicable emergency exemption or state special local need registration number
4. The volume sold
5. The license or permit number of the applicator or the dealer purchasing the pesticide
6. The expiration date of the license or permit and certification categories of the certified applicator that are relevant to the pesticide sold
7. The date of sale
8. The name and address of residence or principal place of business of each certified applicator or dealer purchasing the pesticide, or if applicable, of the operator, or of the credentialed employee or family member purchasing the pesticide


Pesticide License
Phone: (406) 444-3691
Fax: (406) 444-9493

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