Serving Montana Agriculture and growing prosperity under the Big Sky

Commercial Feed Licensing

Commercial Feed Licensing

The feed program licenses and regulates commercial feed manufacturers and dealers to ensure the quality of feed products distributed in Montana. This program samples livestock feed and pet food and conducts inspections at feed facilities to ensure compliance with state and federal regulation to promote animal health and consumer protection.


  • Safeguard the health of humans and animals
  • Promote safe and effective nutrition for livestock and companion animals
  • Ensure truth in labeling
  • Ensure standardization and uniformity of terms and definitions used in the feed industry

The feed program samples feed products at manufacturing sites, storage areas, distribution and transit points, retail stores, and on-farm feed mixing areas. Samples are analyzed at the department's  Analytical Laboratory  for compliance with labeling claims. Test results are reported to manufacturers. All feed products must be properly and accurately labeled.  (Unprocessed hay is not regulated by the program).

Who Needs a Feed Dealer License?

All commercial feed distributors, feed manufactures and those whose name appears on the label of a commercial feed as guarantor, must obtain a license before conducting business in or into Montana. Each place of business, manufacturing facility, distribution point or point of invoicing must have a license.   Annual licensing must be obtained before January 1st of each year . Distributors of pet food do not require a dealer license. 

PDF Tonnage Reporting forms are available upon request.

Montana Rules & Code: Commercial Feed


Falina Hutchinson
Feed/Fertilizer Program Specialist

Phone: (406) 444-5415
Fax: (406) 444-9493
Ryan Solberg
Field Operations Program Manager

Phone: (406) 220-8538
Fax: (406) 444-9493


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